Telegram new features: Telegram announces a slew of new features! Facebook-owned instant messaging platform WhatsApp’s rival app Telegram has rolled out a new update, which has significant features. These new features include an improved version of its ‘people nearby’ facility, and it also allows users to upload Profile videos. Not just that, it has now also allowed unlimited file sharing with up to 2 GB per file. The updates were announced by the company in a statement on Sunday. Profile video on Telegram: What it means The profile video features mean that now, users can upload their video to make it their profile display media, instead of having to stick to a picture. Whenever someone opens the profile of a user who has displayed a profile video, it would play. Apart from that, users would also be able to choose a specific frame from the video which could be displayed in chats. Telegram: Increased file sharing limit Telegram also announced on Sunday that it would be increasing the s...